If your separator is always " "
and category
is a string, you don’t actually need a custom template filter. You could simply call split
with no parameters:
{% for icon in instance.category.split %}
<p>{{ icon }}</p>
{% endfor %}
You are passing a string instance.category
into the template and then iterating over its chars.
Instead, pass a list to the template: instance.category.split()
which will split your words words words
string into the list ['words', 'words', 'words']
>>> s = "words words words"
>>> s.split()
['words', 'words', 'words']
Or, you can define a custom filter that will split a string into the list:
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def split(s, splitter=" "):
return s.split(splitter)
Then, use it in the template this way:
{% for icon in instance.category|split %}
<p>{{ icon }}</p>
{% endfor %}
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I know this is a late answer, but it might help someone (it was the problem I had).
If you have a point in the form: (x, y). then you need:
{% for x, y in points %}
There is a point at {{ x }},{{ y }}
{% endfor %}
And for key-value pairs:
{% for key, value in data.items %}
{{ key }}: {{ value }}
{% endfor %}
source: here (check the for section)