Pydantic json exclude

pydantic is a library in Python that provides data validation and parsing based on Python type annotations. It can be used to define and validate data models by specifying the expected structure and types of the data.

When working with JSON data, pydantic allows you to exclude specific fields from the JSON serialization process. This can be useful when you want to exclude certain sensitive or unnecessary fields from being included in the JSON response.

To exclude fields from JSON serialization, you can define a pydantic model and use the `exclude` attribute on the fields that you want to exclude. Here’s an example:

from pydantic import BaseModel

class User(BaseModel):
id: int
name: str
password: str

class Config:
exclude = [‘password’]

In this example, the `User` model defines three fields: `id`, `name`, and `password`. The `Config` class within the model specifies that the `password` field should be excluded from JSON serialization.

Now, let’s see how this works in practice:

user = User(id=1, name=’John’, password=’secret’)
json_data = user.json()

The output of this code will be a JSON string representing the `User` object, but with the `password` field excluded:

“id”: 1,
“name”: “John”

As you can see, the `password` field is not present in the JSON output because it was excluded according to the specified configuration.

By using the `exclude` attribute, you have fine-grained control over which fields should be excluded from JSON serialization. This can be particularly useful when dealing with sensitive data or when you want to limit the amount of data sent over the network.

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