[Fixed]-Writing Conditional Django Views


Since you need to display the total sales for each day of the week and not a particular day as you mentioned in the comments above, you can do the following:

class TrafficListView(ListView):
    model = Traffic
    template_name = 'dashboard/pages/traffic.html'

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(TrafficListView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday','Sunday'] # days of the week
        total_sales = {} # create an empty dictionary 
        for day in days:
            # get the sales for that particular day 
            total_sales[day] = Traffic.objects.filter(day_of_week=day).aggregate(Sum('sales')).get('sales__sum', 0.00)
        context['total_sales'] = total_sales # pass 'total_sales' dictionary in context
        return context

Here, we create a list days having values from Monday to Sunday. Then we create an empty dictionary total_sales.

We will now iterate through the days list and filter all the objects from Traffic model where day_of_week is equal to that particular day.
lets say Monday. Then we perform Sum aggregation on the objects returned for day_of_week as Monday on the sales field. The value returned from sales_sum is stored in a key Monday in the total_sales dictionary. So, after iteration is complete, there will be 7 keys in the total_sales for each day of the week with the value being the sum of sales for that particular day.

In your template, use {{total_sales.Monday}} to access Monday sales, {{total_sales.Tuesday}} for Tuesday sales and so on.

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