it is very late to answer this now, but I found a simple solution which is make the depth dynamic, 0 when create or update and 1 when get
just add this init method to your serializer
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ProcessSerializer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
request = self.context.get('request')
if request and (request.method == 'POST' or request.method == 'PUT'):
self.Meta.depth = 0
self.Meta.depth = 1
thanks to the 2nd answer of this question
depth = 1 doesn't work properly and it's saves Null in ManyToManyField and ForeignKey fields in Django Rest Framework
π€Mohamed Yousof
Answer after discussion
class ItemSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
condition = ConditionSerializer()
class Meta:
model = Item
depth = 1
def update(self, instance, validated_data):
condition_inst = Condition.objects.get(**validated_data.pop('condition'))
instance.condition_id = condition_inst.id
for item in validated_data:
if Item._meta.get_field(item):
setattr(instance, item, validated_data[item])
return instance
π€Akram Parvez
- Unsupported operand type(s) for -=: 'str' and 'int'
- /manage.py celeryd : IndexError: list index out of range
method 1:
try this if you want to get data in depth = 1.
class ItemSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
condition = ConditionSerializer(read_only = True)
class Meta:
model = Item
fields = '__all__'
if you want to get depth > 1 than mention depth in ConditionSerializer.
Method 2 :
from rest_framework.permissions import SAFE_METHODS
class ItemSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Item
fields = '__all__'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ItemSerializer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
request = self.context.get('request')
if request.method in SAFE_METHODS:
self.Meta.depth = 1
self.Meta.depth = 0
Method 3 :
write two serializers one with depth one without depth.
write your view like this.
class ItemView(ModelViewSet):
queryset = Item.objects.all()
def get_serializer_class(self):
if self.request.method in SAFE_METHODS:
return serializerwithdepth
return serializerwithoutdepth
π€p kushwaha
- Checking inputs of form in django before submit
- Related models update on model field change
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