[Fixed]-Storing objects into dictionary in Django


There is a lot to say about the code you have shared.

First of all, I am not really sure why you really need a dictionary with this structure. What is your desired output?

Secondly, this code piece is fishy:

for warning in warnings:
    if Errors.objects.filter(status='1'):

status is a BooleanField. You should filter it by a boolean value. On the other hand, why do you need to filter out the whole database in an iteration? Did you mean something like this?

for warning in warnings:
    if warning.status:

Another thing is the naming you chose. It is a better practice to give your models singular names. Use Error instead of Errors.

If you really need to do something like this. I suggest you to use collections.defaultdict. It will allow adding keys with list dynamically.

from collections import defaultdict
err = defaultdict(list)

for warning in warnings:
    if warning.status:

But again, it seems like you are trying to achieve something hacky. You should probably rethink your needs and approach.

After all this should print out a key and a list for each keys.

{% for key, values in err.iteritems %}
 <li>{{key}}:    #edited here, 1 "}" was missing
     {% for value in values %}{{value}}{% endfor %}
{% endfor %} 

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