Chartjs-Why aren't my data points getting placed in the corresponding locations in my chart?


getWeightData() populates weightData asynchronously, so you’d have to await the function call before proceeding with setting up the chart.

First, wrap getWeightData() in a Promise 1️⃣so that you could return the fetched weight data 2️⃣(instead of setting this.weightData inside the Promise):

methods: {
  getWeightData() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /* 1 */
      firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(user => {
        if (user) {
            .then(querySnapshot => {
              const weightData = []

              if (!querySnapshot.empty) {
                querySnapshot.forEach(doc => {

              resolve(weightData) /* 2 */
        } else {

Then in mounted(), store the awaited result of getWeightData() in this.weightData 3️⃣:

async mounted() {
  this.weightData = await this.getWeightData() /* 3 */

  /* now, setup chart with `this.weightData` */

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