[Fixed]-Update set of fields in django model passed in request.POST


You’d better use Forms. But if you insist on your code it could be done like this.

Suppose you have variable field_to_update where every field that you are waiting in request is listed.

subjobs_subjobid = request.POST[('subjob_id')]

field_to_update = ('subjob_name','subjob_type', 'rerun_id', 'priority_id', 'transfer_method', 'suitefile', 'topofile')
post_data = request.POST
to_be_updated = {field: post_data.get(field) for field in field_to_update if field in post_data}
# then you need to get the object, not filter it
    subjobinstance = SubJobs.objects.get(id=subjobs_subjobid)
    subjobinstance.update(**to_be_updated, updated=datetime.now())
except ObjectDoesNotExist:  # from django.core.exceptions
    print('There is no such object')  # better to use logger
except Exception as e:
    print("PROBLEM UPDAING SubJob!!!!")

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