[Fixed]-When saving ManyToMany Field value in django ,error occures invalid literal for int() with base 10


tags is a ManyToMany field. You can’t use a direct assignment to a list item to update the field. You should instead assign via the field’s add method tag objects corresponding to the items in the list.

Assuming you TagsExp has a field label which corresponds to the items in the list, you would do:

for tag_label in tags:
    tag_label = tag_label.strip().lower() # clean up tag
    tag, _ = TagsExp.objects.get_or_create(label=tag_label)

On another note, the tag in your traceback has a trailing space. That would create a new tag if there were no clean up as opposed to getting the existing one. Also, multiple cases will not be handled by default. I think you should give a look to django-taggit app for tagging which has great features for managing whitespace characters and different cases.

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