Chartjs-Pass custom labels as an array to Chart JS Tool tip


Instead of using an array, I would suggest you to use an object instead (similar to a map behavior), in that way I think it will make more sense.

const days = {
  Monday: "Example description for monday",
  Tuesday: "Example description for tueday",
  Wednesday: "Example description for wednesday",
  Thursday: "Example description for thursday",
  Friday: "Example description for friday",
  Saturday: "Example description for saturday",
  Sunday: "Example description for sunday"

In your labels key in your chart options, you can use Object.keys() to get all keys as the label. And the key value is the description of your tooltip.

data: {
  labels: Object.keys(days),
  datasets: [
      maxBarThickness: 1,
      label: "Visitors",
      backgroundColor: [
      data: [5, 4, 6, 7]
tooltips: {
  callbacks: {
    beforeTitle: tooltip => days[tooltip[0].yLabel],

Everything together

const days = {
  Monday: "Example description for monday",
  Tuesday: "Example description for tueday",
  Wednesday: "Example description for wednesday",
  Thursday: "Example description for thursday",
  Friday: "Example description for friday",
  Saturday: "Example description for saturday",
  Sunday: "Example description for sunday"

new Chart(document.getElementById("eventVisitors"), {
  type: "horizontalBar",
  data: {
    labels: Object.keys(days),
    datasets: [
        maxBarThickness: 1,
        label: "Visitors",
        backgroundColor: [
        data: [5, 4, 6, 7],
  options: {
    legend: { display: false },
    title: {
      display: false,
      text: "Visitor Origin"
    tooltips: {
      callbacks: {
        beforeTitle: tooltip => days[tooltip[0].yLabel],
    scales: {
      xAxes: [
          gridLines: {
            drawBorder: true,
            display: false
          ticks: {
            fontSize: 16,
            beginAtZero: true,
            callback: function(value) {
              if (value % 1 === 0) {
                return value;
      yAxes: [
          gridLines: {
            drawBorder: true,
            display: false
          ticks: {
            fontSize: 16

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