I donβt think its possible in a single query but this solution will take five database queries:
# 1 query: Get restaurant
restaurant = Restaurant.objects.get(pk=pk)
# 2 query: Get content type of restaurant model
restaurant_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(restaurant)
# 3 query: Get all reviews ids for a restaurant
reviews_ids = Review.objects.filter(content_type__id=restaurant_ct.id, object_id=restaurant.id).values_list('id', flat=True)
# 4 query: Get content type of review model
review_ct = ContentType.objects.get(app_label='review', model='review')
# 5 query: Get all tags
tags = TaggedItem.objects.filter(object_id__in=reviews_ids, content_type__id=review_ct.id)
But do note that the __in
lookup on review ids might become costly on TaggedItem
. But you wanted minimum database queries.
You can reduce one more query by fetching both content types of restaurant and review model in a single query but its not an elegant way:
ctypes = ContentType.objects.filter(
app_label__in=['review', 'restaurant'],
model__in=['review', 'restaurant']
assert len(ctypes) is 2
if ctypes[0].model == 'restaurant':
restaurant_ct = ctypes[0]
review_ct = ctypes[1]
review_ct = ctypes[0]
restaurant_ct = ctypes[1]
π€Aamir Rind