[Fixed]-Edit and update HTML datatable Django



[UPDATE]: Something like that in your HTML

<div class="table-responsive">
    <table class="..." >
            {% for linea in lineas_de_reporte %}
                        <form action="{% url 'view_name' %}" method="GET">
                            <input type="hidden" name="linea-id" value="{{ linea.id }}" />
                            <input type="submit" name="submit-issue-solved" value="Submit" />
            {% endfor %}

Yes, this can happen with Django only (and with jQuery if you like).

You should alter the ISSUE RESOLVED? column to a form where each cell (using the {% for %} loop, of course) will contain two radio buttons (Yes and No), a hidden one (with the value of a unique key. I guess SOSS is unique accross your db table?) and a submit button next to the radio ones.

Then, that form should submit itself (determined via the action={% url 'a_view_name_here' %} attribute) to a url and handled by a view. Inside that view you can get the value, user selected (depending on the method used, i.e request.GET.get('issue_resolved') or request.POST.get('issue_resolved')) and in the same way the value of the unique value (i.e SOSS).

Finally, youโ€™ll make a query to the db to get the TechnicalValidationSystem with that SOSS and update its issue_resolved boolean value (like this:

def issue_resolved(request):
    # if GET data contain a key named 'linea-id'...
    if request.GET.get('linea-id'):
        # ... this means that user clicked on the submit button
        # get the id of linea
        linea_id = request.GET.get('linea-id')
        # fetch object from db, based on that id (aka pk)
        linea = TechnicalValidationSystem.objects.get(id=linea_id)
        # change its attribute to True
        linea.issue_resolved = True
        # update db with the new value
    return render(request, 'template/to/the/table.html', context_here)

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