Chartjs-How to differentiate the data of one topic or another coming from Mercure hub if the client is suscribed to two topics


The solution is set de type attribute for Update class constructor that you want to publish in your Mercure hub from the MessageHandler related class. So, for the messages related to temperature notification we will set the type attribute = ‘temperatureUpdate’, and for the message related to pressure notification we will set the type attribute = ‘pressureUpdate’.

The __invoke function on TemperatureMessageHandler:

public function __invoke(TemperatureMessage $message)
        try {

            $storedData = $em->getRepository(Temperature::class)->findLastRecordsForGraph($graphId, $lastElapsedTime);
             Set the data source for the temperature graph to a specific format from $toredData
            $formatedChartData = [];

            $update = new Update(
                    sprintf('realtime-notif/temperature/%s', $graphId),

        } catch (\Exception $exc) {

The __invoke function on PressureMessageHandler:

public function __invoke(PressureMessage $message)
        try {
            $graphId = $message->getGraphId();
            $lastElapsedTime = $message->getLastElapsedTime();
            $em = $this->managerRegistry->getManager();

            $storedData = $em->getRepository(Pressure::class)->findLastRecordsForGraph($graphId, $lastElapsedTime);
             Set the data source for the pressure graph to a specific format from $toredData
            $formatedChartData = [];

            $update = new Update(
                    sprintf('realtime-notif/pressure/%s', $graphId),

        } catch (\Exception $exc) {

On the client side, is mandatory to create two new EventListeners for the EventSource object, with the name equals to the new types created. Every one new listener will treat the related messages types published in the Mercure hub:

<script type="text/javascript">
                $(document).ready(function () {
                    /**Create two graph on page ready **/
                    let temperatureGraphObject = createTemperatureGraph(canvasTemperaturaGraph);
                    let pressureGRaphObject = createPressureGraph(canvasPressureGraph);
                    I have two function updateTemperatureGraph(temperatureGraphObject, newTemperaturaData) and updatePressureGraph(pressureGraphObject, newPresureData)
                    /**Subscribe client to topics for data updates **/
                    {% set topics = ['realtime-notif/temperature/'~temperatureSensorId, 'realtime-notif/pressure/'~pressureSensorId] %}

                    const eventSource = new EventSource("{{ mercure(topics, { subscribe:topics})|escape('js')}}", {withCredentials: true});

                    eventSource.onopen = function () {
                        console.log('New socket connection!');

                    eventSource.addEventListener("temperaturaUpdate", function (e) {
                        let parsedData = null;
                                try {
                                    parsedData = JSON.parse(;
                                } catch (error) {
                                if (parsedData) {
                                    updateTemperatureGraph(temperatureGraphObject, parsedData);
                    }, false);
                    eventSource.addEventListener("pressureUpdate", function (e) {
                        let parsedData = null;
                                try {
                                    parsedData = JSON.parse(;
                                } catch (error) {
                                if (parsedData) {
                                    updatePressureGraph(pressureGraphObject, parsedData);
                    }, false);

                    eventSource.onerror = function () {
                        console.log('Socket connection lost!');

In this way, the Mercure hub publishes the classified messages, and each EventListener will be in charge of processing the corresponding message in the order in which it arrives at the subscribed client, regardless of the topics to which it is subscribed.

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