Django templates will not allow you to do this. I’m not going to lecture you on keeping your logic out of your templates, because I think it’s a stylistic choice. But understand that this is the easiest way. If you need to use the index, you can access it as a forloop
property, as explained in the documentation.
If you really want variable indexing, you could make your own custom template tag to do it. But, in this case, I suggest you use a more powerful templating language, like Jinja2, instead of torturing the Django templating language.
Django Template Language provides you a way to do this…
{% for item in listModels %}
{{ forloop.counter }}
{% endfor %}
I fixed like I did the following:
{{ listModelsData|lookup:i|lookAttribute:"author" }} -// this equal listModelsData[i].author - this code in python
def lookAttribute (d, token):
return getattr (d, token)