[Answer]-Loading all Options alongside Picked in MultpleChoiceField



Is simpler than that. When you instantiate the form, pass it with the argument data a dictionary with the keyword visitors as a list with the identifiers of your choices field that you want to be selected (the left most value in the choices tuples).

For example, assume you have this:

class SelectedVisitorsForm(forms.Form):
    CHOICE = (
        (2, 'admin'),
        (3, 'guest'),
    visitors = forms.MultipleChoiceField(required=True, choices=CHOICES)

Then when you instantiate this form in the views, do it like this:

form = SelectedVisitorsForm(data={visitors:[1,3]})

And that will show the MultipleChoiceField with user and guest selected.

I hope it helps!

πŸ‘€Paulo Bu

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