Chartjs-How we can set our own colors for each label in charts


You can supply an array of objects with attributes strokeColor for regular color and pointHighlightStroke for mouseover color to the colours s
attribute of canvas.

$scope.colours = [
    {strokeColor : "#FF00FF", pointHighlightStroke : "#FF00AA"},
    {strokeColor : "#00FFFF", pointHighlightStroke : "#00FFAA"},
    {strokeColor : "#FFFF00", pointHighlightStroke : "#FFAA00"}

An your HTML

<canvas  id="pie" class="chart chart-pie" data="data" labels="labels" legend="true" colours="colours"></canvas>

Now your pie slices and legend are displayed in the colors that you’ve chosen.
For Tooltip colors you should check Custom Tooltip documentation of Chart.js


This solves my problem:

$scope.labels = ["Completed", "In Progress", "Not started"];
$ = [300, 500, 100];
$scope.lbl_colors = ['#33CC33', '#FFFF66', '#FF3300']; 


<canvas  id="pie" class="chart chart-pie" data="data" labels="labels" legend="true"
  click="onClick" hover="onHover" series="series" colours="lbl_colors" ></canvas>

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