So, let’s say you want your API’s users to call your API like so:
student_history, error_message = get_student_history(student_id)
You could then just wrap the above in that function:
from django.utils import simplejson
def get_student_history(person_id)
api_url = get_api_url(request, 'enrollment', person_id)
enrollment = call_rest_stop(key, secret, 'GET', api_url)
enrollment_raw = enrollment.read()
if enrollment_raw == '' or None:
return [], 'Got empty enrollment response'
enrollment_recs = simplejson.loads(enrollment_raw)
# now put it in a dict
for enrollment in enrollment_recs:
coursework_dict = {
'enrollment_id': enrollment['id'],
return coursework_list, None
except Exception as e:
return [], str(exception)
You could also use a class, but keep in mind that you should only do that if there would be methods that those using your API would benefit from having. For example:
class EnrollmentFetcher(object):
def __init__(person_id):
self.person_id = person_id
def fetch_data(self):
self.coursework_list, self.error_message = get_student_history(self.person_id)
def has_coursework(self):
return len(self.coursework_list) > 0
fetcher = EnrollmentFetcher(student_id)
if fetcher.has_coursework():
# Do something
Object-oriented programming is neither a good practice nor a bad one. You should choose to use it if it serves your needs in any particular case. In this case, it could help clarify your code (has_coursework is a bit clearer than checking if a list is empty, for example), but it may very well do the opposite.
Side note: Be careful about catching such a broad exception. Are you really okay with continuing if it’s an OutOfMemory error, for example?