[Answer]-DRYly represent a list of settings objects


If you don’t like to always repeat the same keys put them into a list:

keys = ['audio', 'video', 'sensor', 'backup']

    'mode_1': dict.fromkeys(keys, True),
    'mode_2': dict.fromkeys(keys, False),

If the default settings may different values then you can still avoid repeating the keys using zip to build the dicts:

    'mode_3': dict(zip(keys, [True, False, False, True])),

In fact you could specify the values for each mode and then build the dictionary in a dict comprehension:

import itertools as it
keys = ['audio', 'video', 'sensor', 'backup']

    ('mode_1', it.repeat(True)), 
    ('mode_2', it.repeat(False)), 
    ('mode_3', [True, False, False, True]),

SETTINGS = {mode: dict(zip(keys, values)) for mode, values in SETTINGS_LIST}

This doesn’t do any repetition of value or key literal and dict and zip are called only in one place.

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