You can use the or_ method from the operator builtins, a list comprehension and the reduce builtin like this:
from django.db.models import Q
import operator
def dynamic_search(queryset):
search_fields = ["search_field1", "search_field2", "search_field3"]
search_text = "dummy_text"
queryset.filter(reduce(operator.or_, [Q(**{'{0}__contains'.format(search_field): search_text}) for search_field in search_fields]))
Not sure about a Django specific one, but you could use eval
N.B: THIS IS A BAD IDEA IF YOU ARE USING USER INPUT AND COULD OPEN UP ALL SORTS OF INSECURITIES. – but if you are in complete control of it it should be fine.
x = []
for search_field in search_fields:
x.append(eval("qs.filter(Q({}__contains={})".format(search_field, search_text))
I’m storing in a list
just for convenience. If you are allowed to use the |
operator in your Django
query – I don’t know i you can, you could just assign it to a variable.