I had similar problem and it was SELinux blocking access between those two processes, I mean RabbitMQ and Python. To check my guess please disable selinux temporarily and check if it goes ok. And if it is ok then you have to configure selinux to grant access Python to connect Rabbitmq. To disable SELinux temporarily you can run in shell
# setenforce 0
See more here about disabling SELinux either temporarily or permanently. But actually I would not recommend disabling SELinux. Actually it is better to configure SELinux to grant access. See more about SELinux here.
You said you are developing on Windows but you showed some outputs that look like Linux. Are you using Docker or some other container?
I don’t know if you are using Docker or some other containers but you can likely adapt my advice to your setup.
If you are using docker you’ll have need to have Django’s settings.py configured to docker container running RabbitMQ instead of The URL you provided for your settings.py file doesn’t work so I cannot see what you have in there.
Here’s my CELERY_… settings:
# Celery settings
CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'amqp://user:TheUserName@rabbitmq'
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'redis://redis:6379/'
I set it to the name I use for my container_name hosting each service because my docker-compose file has these:
container_name: rabbitmq
container_name: redis
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