[Answered ]-Filter api output by value stored in Join Table



The DRF List view is executed in the following order (essential steps related to OP),

  1. request hits the view
  2. calling get_queryset() method (This internally calls queryset attribute)
  3. filtering the results using a list of filter_backends classes
  4. serializing the data
  5. returning to user/client

So, in your case, the filter_fields is being used at the 3rd step and that will not use again anywhere.


Use SerializerMethodField(...) and manually filter the related queryset as

class OriginCountrySerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    origin_country = serializers.StringRelatedField(read_only=True)
    destinations = serializers.StringRelatedField(many=True, read_only=True)
    dest_country = serializers.SerializerMethodField()

    def get_dest_country(self, instance):
        qs = instance.borderstatus_set.all()
        request = self.context["request"]
        value = request.query_params.get("my_country_param")
        if value:
            qs = instance.borderstatus_set.filter(status=value)
        return BorderStatusSerializer(qs, many=True).data

    class Meta:
        model = OriginCountry
        fields = ('origin_country', 'destinations', 'dest_country')

and thus, you need to call the URL as



You can use filter() instead of obejcts.all()

class CountryViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = Country.objects.filter(status='CLOSED')

you add other conditions also

class CountryViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = Country.objects.filter(status='CLOSED',country='Germany')



I think you need to update the name of your filter to:

πŸ‘€Alex Carlos

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