Chartjs-Cannot access before initialization React Error


  • you can keep the initial state as undefined (by default if nothing is provided)

  • Make the structure you want before setting it to state from the API response ( I am not sure of the response structure but you can make it as you need)

  • Added a loading state till the response is available (for demo purpose).

    function App() {
        const [chartjs, setChartjs] = useState();
        const url =
        useEffect(() => {
          axios.get(url).then((response) => {
            const data = {
              labels: => item.Year),
              datasets: [
                  labels: "Population",
                  data: => item.Population),
        }, [url]);
        if(!chartjs) return "loading ...."
        return (
            <BarChart chartData={chartjs} />

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