It states in your screenshot that the task is received but execution phase never appears to happen, what I would recommend checking is that when your celery worker starts it will state a list of all the celery tasks the worker recognises it exists. First update your logging when starting the worker, celery -A Onlineshop worker -Q celery,emailQueue --loglevel=INFO
. If the task order_created
is never listed when the celery worker starts then this indicates that there is an issue with the imports when the celery worker starts and a __init__.py
for the python module might need updated to auto import the celery task.
Another possible reason for this to occur is that the celery task might be assigned to a queue that the worker isn’t listening for. I would check your arguments for when starting the celery worker include all the correct queue names. celery -A Onlineshop worker -Q celery,emailQueue