Django URL dispatcher doesn’t look at GET or POST parameters while resolving the handler.
What you need is to access request.GET
mapping in the view: Django request get parameters
In your case, the view definition would look like:
urlpatterns = [
path('', views.exploreComplaints, name='explore-complaints'),
def exploreComplaints(request):
complaints = Complaint.objects.all()
sorting_parameter = request.GET.get("sort_by")
if sorting_parameter == "name":
complaints = sorted(complaints, key=lambda x: x.complaint_name)
complaints = sorted(complaints, key=lambda x: x.complaint_upvotes, reverse=True)
context = {'complaints':complaints}
return render(request, 'complaints/complaints.html', context)
# or, to offload sorting on the database:
def explore_complaints(request):
# distinguish the model field to sort by
sorting_parameter = request.GET.get("sort_by")
ordering_param = "-complaint_upvotes" # default ordering
if sorting_parameter == "name":
ordering_param = "complaint_name"
# add ORDER BY clause to the final query
complaints = Complaint.objects.order_by(ordering_param)
context = {"complaints": complaints}
return render(request, "complaints/complaints.html", context)