The issue is you are creating the Socket file in different location and pointing the nginx to different location. Your socket file is created at
as you can see from this command
ExecStart=/root/myproject/myprojectenv/bin/gunicorn --access-logfile - --workers 3 --bind unix:/run/gunicorn.sock myproject.wsgi:application
and referring to it in different location(/root/myproject/myproject.sock
) in nginx configuration as you can
see here
proxy_pass http://unix:/root/myproject/myproject.sock;
You can solve this in 2 ways
- by changing gunicorn conf from
ExecStart=/root/myproject/myprojectenv/bin/gunicorn --access-logfile - --workers 3 --bind unix:/run/gunicorn.sock myproject.wsgi:application
ExecStart=/root/myproject/myprojectenv/bin/gunicorn --access-logfile - --workers 3 --bind unix:/root/myproject/myproject.sock myproject.wsgi:application
- By changing nginx conf from
proxy_pass http://unix:/root/myproject/myproject.sock;
proxy_pass http://unix:/run/gunicorn.sock;
I recommend using the first approach
Restart both gunicorn and nginx after these changes
π€Abhinav Dev