[Answered ]-What to do if queryset is none


You can work with a tryexcept to return None in case the TodayNews object is not found:

from news.models import TodayNews
import datetime

def todays_news(request):
        todays_news = TodayNews.objects.get(date=datetime.date.today())
    except TodayNews.DoesNotExist:
        todays_news = None
    return {'news': todays_news}

You can also use .first() [Django-doc] to return the first item, this will return None if no item can be found:

from news.models import TodayNews
import datetime

def todays_news(request):
    todays_news = TodayNews.objects.filter(date=datetime.date.today()).first()
    return {'news': todays_news}

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