Read about serializing objects in django.
You can choose between xml, json or yaml. It’s pointless to add documentation here. Goto the link.
EDIT: Django’s doc is really nice. Example shouldn’t really be needed. But, still, an example from one of my projects [Line 492-507 from views.py].
def pendingOrders(request):
userprof = UserProfile.objects.get(user= request.user)
if userprof.is_student:
student_account = request.user
dish = Dishes.objects.all()
#Getting all pending orders
order_all_pending = Orders.objects.filter(student_id = student_account,delivered = False)
pending_orders = Orders.objects.filter(~Q(status = 2),delivered = False)
for order in order_all_pending:
#Hack to change QuerySet to pass as JSON
order.quantity = pending_orders.filter(id__lt = order.id,counterid= order.counterid).count() + 1
#Returning JSON response to the objects obtained in above statement
return HttpResponse(serializers.serialize('json',order_all_pending,use_natural_keys=True),mimetype='application/json')
return HttpResponse("Something went wrong")
https://stackoverflow.com/a/2845612/931277 Has an example of parsing json from an HttpResponse in Android.
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