timezone = timezone.filter(user=user)
return timezone.timezone
will return you a queryset, and you can not call .timezone
on a queryset. You must get the related object by either using get
timezone = timezone.get(user=user)
or by list slicing:
timezone = timezone.filter(user=user)[0]
UPDATE: Ok, i just notice it.
Problem is, you can not pass a request object to a form’s save
method. Best way to deal with the problem is doing it in your view layer.
In your view:
my_form = HostCreateForm(request.POST):
if my_form.is_valid(): #do the validation
my_inst = my_form.save(commit=False) #pass the form values to a new model instance without saving.
my_inst.timezone = request.user.username #set the user or do whhatever you want eith the form data.
my_inst.save() #that will call your save methhod that you override.
And you remove the parts that sets the user from your save