[Answered ]-How to write the django-piston handler to create and return ApiKey?


Since nobody answer this question, I figured it out myself and some help from my friend. I have to edit ApiKeyHandler to

class ApiKeyHandler(BaseHandler):
    model = ApiKey
    allowed_methods = ('GET', 'POST')
    fileds = ('user', 'key')

    def read(self, request):
        # Return the API key for request.user
        values_query_set = request.user.keys.values('key')
        api_key = list(values_query_set)[0]['key']
        return HttpResponse(api_key)

    def create(self, request):
        #Create a new API Key.

        # Check if API key already exists
        if request.user.keys.count() > 0:
            values_query_set = request.user.keys.values('key')
            api_key = list(values_query_set)[0]['key']
            return HttpResponse(api_key)
            # Create API key
            api_key = ApiKey(user=request.user)
        return HttpResponse(api_key)

According to django-piston doc methodreadis called on GET and methodcreateis called on POST. Thus, when client want to create new API key; client need to request HTTP POST to create API key forrequest.userif the API key is not already exists.

Finally in models.py I need to edit the ApiKey model to

class ApiKey(models.Model):
    user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='keys', unique=True)
    key = models.CharField(max_length=KEY_SIZE, null=True, blank=True)

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.key = User.objects.make_random_password(length=KEY_SIZE)

        while ApiKey.objects.filter(key__exact=self.key).count():
            self.key = User.objects.make_random_password(length=KEY_SIZE)

        super(ApiKey, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.key

We need to call the “real” save() method

super(ApiKey, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

and APIKeyAuthenticatin is work now.

Last but not least, when authenticating user, client need to request the HTTP request with HEADER (‘Authorization’, api_key).api_key must match with therequest.user.

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