Just in case someone run into this error again. While in Debug=False mode, Django won’t serve static files for you anymore. Your production server should take care of that. But, if you still want to test your app locally in debug=false you should run the devserver in insecure mode:
manage.py runserver --insecure
Taken from here: Why does DEBUG=False setting make my django Static Files Access fail?
What is your setting like your server?
According to the documentation, you should not write anything at STATIC_ROOT
blank and instead, then, put the path in STATICFILES_DIRS
Hope this helps
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I guess you are missing the following in your settings.py file
# List of finder classes that know how to find static files in
# various locations.
Config ERROR
in setting.py, you should add 'django.contrib.staticfiles'
the codes show:
OK,try it.
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I had this problem just recently after changing dev machines.
It turned out that my new machine wasn’t set to run django apps in debug mode locally, so adding
DEBUG = True
To my dev machine’s settings.py sorted it.