[Answered ]-Getting Google App Engine blob info in Django view


This is really tricky to fix. The best solution I have found is to use the file upload handler from the djangoappengine project (which is associated with django-nonrel, but does not depend on it). That should handle the required logic to put the blob key into request.FILES, as you’d expect in Django.


I’d forgotten that django-nonrel uses a patched version of Django, and one of the patches is here to add the content-type-extra field. You can replicate the functionality by subclassing the upload handler as follows:

from djangoappengine import storage
class BlobstoreFileUploadHandler(storage.BlobstoreFileUploadHandler):
    """Handler that adds blob key info to the file object."""

    def new_file(self, field_name, *args, **kwargs):
      # We need to re-process the POST data to get the blobkey info.
      meta = self.request.META
      fields = cgi.FieldStorage(meta['wsgi.input'], environ=meta)
      if field_name in fields:
          current_field = fields[field_name]
          self.content_type_extra = current_field.type_options
      super(BlobstoreFileUploadHandler, self).new_file(field_name,
                                                       *args, **kwargs)

and reference this subclass in your settings.py rather than the original.

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