Here is a simple solution.
First, I added the name of the view in the $routeProvider configuration.
For example we defined the name of the route ‘/login/:arg1/with/:arg2’ to ‘view_name’:
myApp.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when('/login/:arg1/with/:arg2', {
templateUrl: 'app/common/login/login.tpl.html',
name: 'my_view_name'
Then I created a directive to dynamically transform your view name to the correct url:
myApp.directive('viewUrl', function ($route) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
var splitArgs = attrs.viewUrl.split(' ');
var view_name = splitArgs.shift();
var url="route not found";
for(var route in $route.routes){
if ($route.routes[route].name == view_name){
url = route;
for (var arg in splitArgs) {
keyValue = splitArgs[arg].split(':');
url = url.replace(":"+keyValue[0], keyValue[1]);
elem.prop('href', url);
Now you can use the view-url attribute in your html components like that:
<a view-url="my_view_name arg1:value1 arg2:value2">Hello World</a>
This will add the href element to your link and you will get this result:
<a view-url="my_view_name arg1:value1 arg2:value2" href="/login/value1/with/value2">Hello World</a>
Take care of the name of your arguments as I am using the replace function.