Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.
There are some things worth noting about setting the default payment method.
- The first payment method created for a customer is set as the default
- When you generate the client token you can pass in an option to make the last used payment method the default payment method
- The API also lets you update a payment method and set the default for a customer
Hopefully that helps
Add the defaultFirst
option to the braintree.setup
and your set default payment method will be automatically selected and show in the drop-in UI.
braintree.setup("{{ client_token }}", "dropin", {
container: "checkout",
form: "checkoutForm",
defaultFirst: true
Feature added in braintree JS v2.24.0
Documentation: https://developers.braintreepayments.com/reference/client-reference/javascript/v2/configuration#setup-method-options
Source: https://github.com/braintree/braintree-web/issues/76#issuecomment-244162120
i Solved this issue by deleting the payment method immediate after failed or successful transaction.
payment_method_result = braintree.Transaction.sale({
"customer_id": merchant_customer_id,
"amount": am,
"options": {
"submit_for_settlement": True
# print dir(payment_method_result.transaction)
# print payment_method_result
# print payment_method_result.transaction
result = braintree.PaymentMethod.delete(payment_method_result.transaction.credit_card['token'])
as it was one time payment, it did not affected much by deleting the user payment method.
In transaction anyway i can see the details.
Hope this will help some one.
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