[Answered ]-Redirect to ?next=/accounts/social/connections/ in django-allauth



A couple things that might be going on here:

1) Social media logins use the class specified by SOCIALACCOUNT_ADAPTER (not ACCOUNT_ADAPTER) in settings.py. So with your current settings.py, when you connect to Twitter it will not call sleep.adapter.MyAccountAdapter.get_login_redirect_url().

2) /accounts/social/connections/ is the default URL for the view named socialaccount_connections. It is likely that you are trying to connect your Twitter account instead of login via Twitter.

Make sure the provider_login_url tag in your template is not using the process=”connect” argument.

{% load socialaccount %}
{% providers_media_js %}
<a href="{% provider_login_url "facebook" process="login" method="js_sdk" %}">Login with your Facebook Account</a>

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