[Answered ]-Django1.7 'RemovedInDjango19Warning' when using apache with mod_wsgi


Finally, i ended up upgrading to Django1.9 and fixed the migration bugs.


It’s happening because the django.utils.importlib module is removed in Django 1.9, in favor of the importlib in the standard library. Django Rest Framework still uses it.

You can disable the warning by following the instructions on the accepted answer of this question — How to suppress the deprecation warnings in Django?



If you just want to silence the warning in mod_wsgi, you may add a configuration directive such as:

WSGIPythonWarnings ignore::DeprecationWarning::

See this blog entry, the release notes (point 15) and the original issue.

In essence, mod_wsgi had no equivalent to the -W control option, so a directive was added. The default must have been kept at “log everything” to be consistent across different wsgi apps.

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