[Answered ]-Parsing POST request – object() takes no parameters



In this case better to use function in the url

from your_app.views import check

url(r'^api/checkmail/', check, name='check')

and your view will be like this (only function)

def check(request):
  email = request.POST.get("email")
  if User.objects.filter(email=email).exists():
     return JsonResponse({'status': 'not available'})

Also FYI if you want to use @csrf_exempt with classes you should use dispatch, you can get more info here

Example of JsonResponse

from django.http import JsonResponse
def your_view(request):
    return JsonResponse({'foo':'bar'})


You need to inherit your class your generic django views for this to work. Url patterns expect a callable that can accept request (with args and kwargs) and return response. View.as_view class method returns a callable for you.

# In views file
from django.views.generic import View


class CheckIfEmailAvailable(View):

      def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
          return self.check(request) # or something else depends on your use case

# In urls file
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
url(r'^api/checkmail/', csrf_exempt(CheckIfEmailAvailable.as_view()), name='check'),

Moreover csrf_exempt decorator won’t work (out of box) on classes, neither on bound methods for that matter. Better way should be to use them in urls.



If you had posted the full traceback, you would see that the error does not come from parsing the request; Django does not even get nearly that far.

You can’t use a class as a view like that. You should have check as a standalone function, without a class, and refer to it directly in your urls.

Django does support class-based views, but they have a very specific structure, need to inherit from the proper base class, and be referenced in the urls.py in a specific way.

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