[Answered ]-Django Static Files Not Loading in Deployment


If you are using nginx, you would add the following location to your server block

location /static/ {
    root /home/huhu/webapps/eng30_static_media;

Because you have DEBUG set to False, django will not serve the staticfiles for you in production like it does on your dev server. This is by design because, as the documentation notes, the staticfiles application is grossly inefficient and may be insecure: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/howto/static-files/



Open your browser console and see the response that is returned when fetching static files.

You have to let your web server serve files. Make sure that your web server (apache/nginx) have proper permissions to access the static directory, which in your case ‘/home/huhu/webapps/eng30_static_media/static’.
If you will still be facing issues, then move static files to /var/www/static directory if you are using apache and change your static root to

STATIC_ROOT = '/var/www/static'

Check permissions/ownership on files using ls -l

ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 11321 Jul 28 17:08 index.html

for apache user/group www-data/www-data must have access on files that needs to be served through server. If files are owned by others, try a chown on the files/directories to change ownership.

chown -R chown -R username:group directory

If you are using nginx, then define your static files directory in nginx conf and try reloading the page.

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