[Answered ]-Use django for one page on a website?


If all you wanted to do was create a static page (something simple that queries a database and displays results with no user input) then PHP would definitely be much easier. It’s much, much, MUCH easier to deploy than web apps– just drop your .php files in /var/www/html and you’re set. Apache runs on anything.

Once you’re in the realm of needing user accounts, management, etc. or possibly even expansion of scope in the future then Django becomes a more likely candidate. I love Django but deployment of Python/Ruby apps can be a major pain (if not impossible) depending on many factors in your target environment. It looks deceptively easy to get something running when you’re using the built-in webserver where everything just works, but in production you may find your host doesn’t offer (or you can’t compile) mod_wsgi, only has mod_python (incompatible with modern Django), won’t run nginx, can’t use gunicorn, etc.

Every cheap web host offers PHP support out of the box. If you want support for apps written in Python/Ruby, sometimes you need to pay for additional services (if not running a VPS or EC2 instance).

Basically, there are more factors involved than just the number of pages you intend to write. You really need to evaluate what you’re buying into with either avenue.


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