[Answered ]-Patching multiple ORM calls in Django


While you can mock directly the ORM and return arbitrary results, I think it would be more efficient an insert fake data in the database using a library such as factory_boy and leave the ORM calls unmocked:

class EventFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = 'myapp.Event'

class TestEventService(TestCase):

    def setUpTestData(cls):
        cls.event_service = EventService()

    def test_get_all(self):
        expected = [EventFactory() for i in range(10)]

At some point, you cannot mock everything, and if you mock ORM calls, you may end up with passing tests while your code is actually buggy (for example if you have a mistake in your filter or exclude statements.

If you can test it easily, and keep your test fast and efficient, I think you should avoid mocking something. In your case:

  • You can easily create dummy data
  • Your tests will still be fast if you use the ORM because Django by default uses an in-memory SQLite databse during tests, avoiding disk I/O.

Mocking would totally make sense in other situations though, such as retrieving data over the network using an HTTP API, for example.



In our project, we’re trying to decide when it’s a good idea to mock out the ORM layer and when it isn’t. Mocking the ORM layer makes the tests run way faster, but the tests are a bit more brittle.

To me, it seems like it’s not worth mocking the ORM if there’s any complexity in the queries. You should test complex queries against a test database with some sample data in it.

If you do have simple queries that you want to mock out, try the django-mock-queries package. I contributed a decorator called mocked_relations that mocks out the stuff you’re asking about: Event.objects and foreign key relations.

Take a look at the example that shows how to use it. You can list several model classes that you want to mock out.

class TestMockedApi(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.api = AnalyticsApi()

    def test_api_active_users_filters_by_is_active_true(self):
        active_user = MockModel(mock_name='active user', is_active=True)
        inactive_user = MockModel(mock_name='inactive user', is_active=False)

        User.objects.add(*[active_user, inactive_user])
        results = [x for x in self.api.active_users()]

        assert active_user in results
        assert inactive_user not in results

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