[Answered ]-Django Editable Text Field


Figured out a solution in case anyone is interested. I ended up using a Django application called django-generic-flatblocks which seems to provide me with what I need. Although, it’s a bit strange as I had to replace all the text on my site with a gblock and then re-enter it all. Seems as if upon first creation of a block, it’s empty so you essentially have to provide it with a value.

After that, if you log into the admin panel you’re able to pull up the block and edit it. Alternatively, if you’re logged into the Admin panel you’re able to view your site and an edit tag is provided and you’ll go directly to that block in the admin panel.

If anyone knows of anything which essentially allows me to define the text blocks up front in the admin panel then add the tags to the code, please lmk. I’d prefer to load all my content into the admin panel first and then just throw the tag into the code and have it display. That would save a lot of time in terms of having to copy the existing content, store it away, adding the tag, and then having to put it back in.

This seemed to be the only one of the recommended apps that worked for me. I tried to use Chunks because this really is only for title/text but on Django 1.11 it would freak out on me about not having South.db, which isn’t even used.


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