Try this –
{% for content in content_list %}
{% if content.title == 'two' %}
{{ content.content }}
{% else %}
{{ content.content }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Note: Only if list is small
If you want to split your content in columns, just create a list for each kind of object and iterate over them.
In your view, do something like this:
l1 = [(title: 'one', content: 'foo'),] # All the objects with title 'one'
l2 = [(title: 'two', content: 'bar'),] # All the objects with title 'two'
context = {'content_list1': l1, 'content_list2': l2}
And in your html iterate over each list:
{% for content in content_list1 %}
{{ content.content }}
{% endfor %}
{% for content in content_list2 %}
{{ content.content }}
{% endfor %}
I hope it’s that what you are looking for.
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