The solution heavily depends on the format of your base data. It could for example be defined as follows:
const testResults = [
{ category: 'Algebra', totalQuestions: 10, correclyAnswered: 7 },
{ category: 'Calculus', totalQuestions: 12, correclyAnswered: 9 },
{ category: 'Analysis', totalQuestions: 8, correclyAnswered: 5 },
{ category: 'Geometry ', totalQuestions: 10, correclyAnswered: 10 },
{ category: 'Combinatorics ', totalQuestions: 9, correclyAnswered: 5 }
In this case, the chart data
could be generated in the following way:
const data = {
labels: testResults.map(o => o.category),
datasets: [
label: 'Test Results',
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.2)',
borderColor: 'rgba(0, 255, 0)',
borderWidth: 1,
data: testResults.map(o => (100 / o.totalQuestions * o.correclyAnswered))
Then you would also have to define chart options
to make sure tooltips and labels are properly formatted and the x-axis spreads full with between 0 and 100 %.
const options = {
tooltips: {
callbacks: {
label: (tooltipItem, data) => {
var label = data.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].label || '';
return label + ': ' + tooltipItem.xLabel.toFixed(0) + '%';
scales: {
xAxes: [{
ticks: {
min: 0,
max: 100,
stepSize: 10,
callback: value => value + '%'
The chart itself would be defined as follows:
data = { data }
options = { options }
Please have a look at this StackBlitz.