[Django]-Including css in Django



I am guessing you aren’t using static css sheets. I always just do:

            {%block stylesheet %}
               <style type="text/css" title="currentStyle"> 
                   @import "{{MEDIA_URL}}css/style.css";
            {% endblock stylesheet%}

I then set my Media root, and store the files as

 MEDIA_ROOT=<fullyquallified patyh>/Media/css/<css files>

It should be noted that STATIC_URL defaults to MEDIA_URL if its not defined.



Make sure you haven’t mixed up the STATIC_ROOT and STATIC_URL settings.

STATIC_ROOT defines where the files are on the storage system (usually your local hard disc for local development), while STATIC_URL defines the URL from where the server serves them. The second one is usually referred to in templates, and it is also the value that the {% get_static_prefix %} template tag returns.

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