Yes, you can create a model and store all the passwords of a user whenever password reset/changed.
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
import json
class OldPasswords(models.Model):
user = model.ForeignKey(User)
pwd = models.CharField(max_length=200)
def setPasswords(self, pwd):
self.pwd = json.dumps(pwd)
def getPasswords(self):
return json.loads(self.pwd)
create a signal while password reset/changed and save current password.
for example:
from allauth.account.signals import password_changed, password_reset
def send_password_changed_email(sender, **kwargs):
user = kwargs.get('user')
if user:
pwds = OldPasswords.objects.get_or_create(user=user)
After saving to the model, you need to implement custom validator to show validation message when user try the old password while reset:
validate(self, password, user=None): validate a password. Return None if the password is valid, or raise a ValidationError with an
error message if the password is not valid. You must be able to
deal with user being None – if that means your validator can’t run,
simply return None for no error.get_help_text(): provide a help text to explain the requirements to the user.
Any items in the OPTIONS in AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS for your validator will be passed to the constructor. All constructor arguments should have a default value.
Here’s a basic example of a validator, with one optional setting:
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from yourapp.model import OldPasswords
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
class PasswordValidator(object):
def __init__(self, password):
self.password = password
def validate(self, password, user=None):
pwd_list = OldPasswords.objects.get(user=user).getPasswords()
if password in pwd_list:
raise ValidationError(
_("You used this password recently. Please choose a different one."),
params={'min_length': self.min_length},
def get_help_text(self):
return _(
"You used this password recently. Please choose a different one."
However, if you decide to store a user’s previous passwords, you should never do so in clear text.