Your screenshot shows that django-tables2 correctly assumes there is a footer on your table (yay!) but it seems that nothing is returned from the lambda. You can try to replace it by something like this to see what’s going on:
def suma_footer(table):
s = sum(x['suma'] for x in table.data)
print 'total:', s
except Exception e:
print str(e)
return s
class MokejimaiTable(tables.Table):
suma = tables.Column(footer=suma_footer)
class Meta:
model = Mokejimai
attrs = {"class": "paleblue"}
fields = ('id', 'imone', 'sask', 'nr', 'suma', 'skola_pagal_agnum', 'data', 'date_entered')
If something goes wrong while computing the sum, you should see a exception printed, if a value is computed, you should see ‘total: ‘ printed.