Actually all the ways are good and have their own pros and cons.
If these models are in different apps and are mostly independent, signals is cool. The good thing about it is that it won’t bother you in normal cases and you will have much more control.
Doing it through overriding save() method is good idea, but if you don’t have to do it everytime or most of the times but at very specific times, create a different method through which you will call save() method along with doing whatever else you want. Good thing here is that you can put as many conditions, try catch exceptions and if else conditions and it wont affect the save method.
You must find what suits the need of the situation best. From my own experience and what people say, don’t use signals until you have to.
The odometer field in status update is not needed as you already have a foreign key to Status model so you have access to every field of Status model. Just remove the odometer from statusmodel and then when you a user do a statusupdate update the odometer field.
status_update_instance.odometer = some value
The above is an instance of statusupdate model