[Django]-Daphne server cannot connect with websockets on HTTPS



I managed to make it work. The problem seems related to a port forwarding thing that made me impossible to connect websockets through the apache server on openshift cloud to my daphne server.

To solve this problem:

1) With the default cartridge for django projects I was unable to modify apache conf file and even update apache to install the mod_proxy_wstunnel to support websockets so I decided to change it.
Also, mod_proxy_wstunnel works on apache 2.4 but the default cartridge uses 2.2.

The channels docs, recommend to use nginx. So I found a cartridge that allows me to use it along with uwsgi and django.

I followed the instructions in that repo but before pushing my code, I tweaked the action hooks a bit to get the lastest versions of those packages and replaced the sample django project with mine. I did the same with the requirements.txt.

2) After pushing it, I added the redis cartridge.

3) Then I proceeded to tweak uwsgi.yaml and nginx.conf that the cartridge provides as templates to set the proper values:


    socket: $OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP:15005
    pidfile: $OPENSHIFT_TMP_DIR/uwsgi.pid
    pythonpath: $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/$APP_DIR
    module: $APP_NAME.wsgi:application
    virtualenv: $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/virtualenv


http {
   server {
       server_name localhost;

       set_real_ip_from    $OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP;
       real_ip_header      X-Forwarded-For;

       location / {
           uwsgi_pass  $OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP:15005;
           include     uwsgi_params;

       location /sync {
           proxy_pass http://$OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP:8443;
           proxy_http_version 1.1;
           proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
           proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

In my post_deploy script I have the following:

python manage.py runworker -v2 &
daphne myapp.asgi:channel_layer -p 8443 -b $OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP -v2 &

So daphne is listening in $OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP:8443 and when nginx receives a request from websockets like this:

 var path = 'wss://'+window.location.host + ':8443/sync';
 var ws = new WebSocket(path);
 ws.onmessage = function(message) {
 ws.onopen = function() {
     this.send('WS Connecting to receive updates!');

Now I can see:


And in the browser:


So I know that is working. I Hope this could help someone else but me.


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