[Django]-How to exclude the django libraries from coverage



I got the answer to my problem, found answer reference from the stackoverflow and used it as reference as many other users has mentioned

which confused me, so tried the below command and it worked (,) should be used to separate multiple directories

$ coverage run --omit=*/venv/*,*/migrations/* manage.py test

Here is the result of my command:

$ coverage report -m
Name                Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
feed/__init__.py        0      0   100%
feed/admin.py           1      0   100%
feed/apps.py            3      0   100%
feed/models.py         10      2    80%   6-7
feed/tests.py          11      1    91%   18
feed/urls.py            3      0   100%
feed/views.py           6      2    67%   7-8
manage.py              12      2    83%   11-12
snet7/__init__.py       0      0   100%
snet7/settings.py      19      0   100%
snet7/urls.py           4      0   100%
users/__init__.py       0      0   100%
users/admin.py          1      0   100%
users/apps.py           3      0   100%
users/forms.py          7      0   100%
users/managers.py      20      1    95%   29
users/models.py        13      1    92%   19
users/tests.py         33      4    88%   19-20, 44-45
users/views.py          6      0   100%
TOTAL                 152     13    91%

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