[Django]-Received a naive datetime while time zone support is active


You should add tz_info to the datetime object before passing to the model instance.

import pytz
import datetime
import time
from django.conf import settings

def ctodatetime(ctimeinput):
    etime = time.ctime(int(ctimeinput))
    btime = datetime.datetime.strptime(etime, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
    tz_aware_datetetime = btime.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE))
    return tz_aware_datetetime

The .replace() function returns a new datetime object

For more info, refer this SO post RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField received a naive datetime



A Django-specific solution could be using django.utils.timezone, in the following manner:

from datetime import datetime
from django.utils import timezone
from django.conf import settings

def ctodatetime(ctimeinput):
    etime = time.ctime(int(ctimeinput))
    btime = datetime.strptime(etime, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
    tz = getattr(settings, 'TIME_ZONE', None)
    return timezone.make_aware(btime, tz)

This relies on the fact that btime will be a naive timestamp, and makes use of Django’s make_aware() to convert it to a timezone-aware timestamp.

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