Chartjs-Change pointer line style


There’s a similar looking meter chart using the RGraph ( ) software in the download archive:


And here’s the code:

    var meter = new RGraph.Meter({
        id: 'cvs',
        min: 0,
        max: 100,
        value: 75,
        options: {
            linewidthSegments: 20,
            strokestyle: 'white',
            segmentRadiusStart: 105,
            border: 0,
            tickmarksSmallNum: 0,
            tickmarksBigNum: 0,
            needleRadius: 205,
            labels: false,
            centerpinFill: 'black',
            colorsRanges: [
                [0, 30, '#FFC900'],
                [30, 60, '#8FCE21'],
                [60, 100, '#0094DA']

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