[Django]-I/O operation on closed file in django with 'ImageKit'



I recently had the same issue and it was preventing me to upgrade django-storages to the latest version.

I finally tracked down the issue to this old django-storages issue.

And in that thread they mention django s3 storages. Migrating to that library seems to fix it.



I had this issue with my old project and Django 2. I discovered it happens with some old versions of packages. What helped in my case was to upgrade django and pillow according to alerts I got from github dependabot.

I run pipenv install django=='2.2.24' pillow=='8.3.2' and the issue was gone for me.



Iโ€™m using Django==3.2.13, django-storages==1.12.3, Pillow==9.1.1 and django-imagekit==4.1.0 and had to overwrite the default storage like this:

class CustomS3Boto3Storage(S3Boto3Storage, ABC):
This is our custom version of S3Boto3Storage that fixes a bug in
boto3 where the passed in file is closed upon upload.

def _save(self, name, content):
    We create a clone of the content file as when this is passed to
    boto3 it wrongly closes the file upon upload where as the storage
    backend expects it to still be open
    # Seek our content back to the start
    content.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)

    # Create a temporary file that will write to disk after a specified
    # size. This file will be automatically deleted when closed by
    # boto3 or after exiting the `with` statement if the boto3 is fixed
    with SpooledTemporaryFile() as content_autoclose:

        # Write our original content into our copy that will be closed by boto3

        # Upload the object which will auto close the
        # content_autoclose instance
        return super(CustomS3Boto3Storage, self)._save(name, content_autoclose)

Remember to change it in settings.py or in any other place where you specify which storage to use.

In my case I created a file named custom_s3_boto3_storage.py so:

DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'path.to.custom_s3_boto3_storage.CustomS3Boto3Storage'

The solution is from https://github.com/matthewwithanm/django-imagekit/issues/391#issuecomment-592877289


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